Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Though I never had a 'cool older brother' to turn me on to music, there have been a couple of fixtures in my family that have always been good go-to people for that sort of thing. This one comes courtesy of a second cousin with a large knowledge of experimental and electronic music.

Oval is a german glitch project sort-of famous for using physical cd manipulation instead of synthesizers. I picked up the album 94 Diskont a few days ago and I'm really enjoying it. The album's wiki credits the blips and tics to 'exacto knives, paint, and tape to damage the surfaces of the compact discs [stitched] back together in loops of melody punctuated by the disc's physical skips'. Intrigued? I love listening to music that seems to push today's boundaries only to realize i was 5 years old when this was released. Awesome.

Since 1995, the 3 men comprising Oval have worked on multiple projects while continuing to release material into the 21st century. I'm pretty excited to hear more stuff from these apparent 'pioneers of glitch'.

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